Expressions of Making and Responding Invitations

Hi everyone, today we will learn about some expressions of making and responding invitation. Please enjoy :))

Expressions of Making Invitation

  1. I would like to invite you to dinner next Sunday at my home.
  2. I was wondering if you’d like to come to dinner on Wednesday evening.
  3. Would you like/care to have dinner with us on Saturday?
  4. What/How about dinner tonight?
  5. Let’s go to our place for dinner.
  6. Why don’t you come to…
  7. You must come to ….

  Expressions of Accepting Invitation

  1.   Thanks for your invitation, I’ll be delighted to.
  2.   Thank you. I’d love to.
  3.   Yes, thanks. That would be great / wonderful.
  4.  Sounds great/fun.
  5.    Ok/All right.
  6. That would be very nice.
  7.   Sure, I’m coming.
  8.   Ok, I will be there.
  9.   All right.
  10. That’s a very kind of you.
  11. That’s my greatest pleasur

  Expressions of Declining Invitation

  1. Sorry, I am very busy.
  2. Sorry, may be next time.
  3. Thank you, but I can’t.
  4. Can’t make it.
  5. I’m awfully/terribly sorry. I have other plans for that night.
  6. I’d really like to, but I have an appointment that day.
  7. Thanks for asking, but I’m afraid I’m very busy.
  8. I can’t. I’ve get lot of work to do

Dialogue 1

Renata : Hello Hana long time no see. 

Hana    : Hello Renata, It's been a while. How are you? 
Renata : I'm fine thanks. I'm busy with my career now, so I rarely being at home. 
Hana    : I've heard your success out there, your clothing line business has gone abroad isn't it? 
Renata : Oh yes it is, thanks to God. 
Hana    : It is because you work so hard, then you gain a lot too.
Renata : Ah that's nothing. I want to tell you that i will hold the wedding on the end of this month
Hana    : Oh really? It is such a good news! 
Renata : The party will be held on 26 March 2017 in the Kencana Hotel ballroom. Please be there,  Hana. 
Hana    : It’s delightful to come to your wedding. I will come of course. 
Renata : Thank you Hana.
Hana    : Yes, I can't wait to see you there. 

Dialogue 2
Sindy : Hi Mira, good afternoon.
Mira : Hi Sindy, good afternoon.
Sindy : I just came from your class and I didn’t see you.
Mira : I have just had my lunch at the canteen, Sindy. What’s up?
Sindy : Oh, I see. This evening there will be a big sale of some clothes like dress, jeans, and shoes at Level 28 Mall.
Mira : Really? I didn’t hear anything about it.
Sindy : Yeah Merry just told me last morning. Actually I want you to go with me this evening. Would you?
Mira : I’d really like to, but Tika has just asked me to go to cinema with her last morning. I’m so sorry Sindy.
Sindy : That’s okay Mira, I didn’t know if you already have an appointment with Tika. Just go then with her.
Mira : Is that okay Sindy?
Sindy : Sure, no problem. Maybe I will ask Putri to accompany me.
Mira : Thanks Sindy, maybe we can go next time.
Sindy : Of course. I will go to Putri’s class then, Mira. See you.
Mira : Okay Sindy, see you.

The Examples of  The Invitation

Source :

(n.d.). Expression of Making Accepting and Declining Invitation. Retrieved from


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